They talk of your past, yes they said it wouldn't last, but now they're running pretty fast back on their word.
Jag är klad_malin_chey just nu för igår bestämde vi att vi skulle åka till grekland! pappa ska boka biljetter idag och en av biljetterna är till en viss Pontus Sjödin som är väldigt awesome<3
Nu drar jag till Falkenberg och hälsar på några människor som jag gillar väldigt mycket!

We were walking down the block when we thought the bomb went off
And our hearts nearly stopped at the sound
When we looked and we found that it hit some other crowd
I was glad it wasn't us, yeah I was proud
Cause I fall and I break just as easy as an egg
Yeah, my shell isn't as hard as it seems
When my insides gush out there's no telling what it's about
When it'll stop, when it'll seed, when it'll bleed
Nu drar jag till Falkenberg och hälsar på några människor som jag gillar väldigt mycket!

We were walking down the block when we thought the bomb went off
And our hearts nearly stopped at the sound
When we looked and we found that it hit some other crowd
I was glad it wasn't us, yeah I was proud
Cause I fall and I break just as easy as an egg
Yeah, my shell isn't as hard as it seems
When my insides gush out there's no telling what it's about
When it'll stop, when it'll seed, when it'll bleed